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End Time Message


Now, and then what is the mark of the beast? Is to reject the Holy Ghost, a mark of apostasy. Remember, in the old days when the trumpet, the jubilee year come, and the trumpet sounded, and every slave had a right to go free? But if he didn't choose to go free, he was taken to the temple, and they took a awl and bored a hole in his ear, and he was marked out for the rest of his days. And what is it? On the ear, when God calls you to receive the Holy Ghost, and you refuse It, then God marks your ear to where you'll never want to try it anymore. See? Then that's the mark of apostasy. And in the Bible it said, that these last days that there'd be two classes of people: One with the Mark of God, the Seal of God, the other one was the mark of the beast. Is that right? Now, you're wearing one of those marks tonight.

There's only two classes of people will be on the earth; those with the Seal of God, and those with the mark of the beast, only two classes. So you'll have to have one or the other. And it'll be an apostasy, a--a mark of--of religion, apostate religion.
And it's going to have a image unto the beast. As we study we find out that Rome was, is, and always will be the--or the beast. Exactly. There's no way to get anything else. Rome...
And what did Rome do? Was converted from pagan Rome unto papal Rome and organized a system, a universal system, that forced everybody to that one religion or be put to death.
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